Saturday, June 22, 2024



Welcome to University!

You play the role of a student whom recently moved to a new town to begin his first years at University. It just so happens this isn't your average University, and you seem to be getting lucky (or in some cases, not so lucky) with the women you meet here, however, you find all of these women are falling for you in one way or another.



What's new?

+ 1/2 a in-game day worth of content

+ 2 New scenes

+ 4 Animations

+ New music & sound effects

Fixes & Other

+ Fixed an issue where character names weren't saving and was in-turn causing errors

+ Compressed game download size (3.6GB down to 1.4GB)

Developer Notes:


University Days is developed as a visual novel using the Renpy Engine. Previously, all of our games have been developed in RPGMaker, however, Renpy has grown to be extremely popular over the recent years, and a fan-favourite for adult games like this. At the moment I am a sole developer working on the story, graphics, renders & code alone. When time allows it I'd like to expand the team to strengthen and expand the potential of the content that is put out. If you feel as though you could be a potential part of the team, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hey everyone, welcome back to our channel! Today, we're diving headfirst into an exhilarating tale of college adventures. So, fasten your seatbelts and let's embark on a journey through the university life of our courageous protagonist.

Our story kicks off with our hero, fresh-faced and full of enthusiasm, stepping foot onto the campus for the first time. Despite his initial jitters, he bravely faces this new chapter in his life, ready to conquer any challenges that come his way.

On his very first day at college, he stumbles upon a beautiful group of girls on the lawn. A serendipitous moment! The girls find him intriguing and decide to invite him to their gathering. And thus, the stage is set for an exciting college life filled with new experiences and unforgettable memories.

There's an adage that says "when one door closes, another opens." This rings true for our protagonist. Every woman he crosses paths with seems to be falling for him in one way or another. It's a blessing and a curse when simultaneously dating two women leads to a tricky situation with both of them. 

But even when things might seem tough, our hero remains resilient and navigates these challenges with grace and perseverance. He learns from each experience and grows as a person throughout his college journey. 

When I first set foot on campus, I found myself in a new city filled with strangers who would soon become my friends. One such friend was Alisha - a warm-hearted soul who quickly became my neighbor and a cherished companion. We spent countless hours together, sharing laughter and tears over our studies, our dreams, and our aspirations.

But then, life took an unexpected turn. We each embarked on separate adventures of self-discovery, and the distance between us grew wider than we ever imagined. Despite the miles that separated us physically, our bond remained unbreakable. Our friendship blossomed into something more - an unwavering love that transcended time and space.

And so it goes to show just how profound the connections we forge during our university days can be. While life may throw us curveballs and lead us down different paths, some friendships are destined to endure the test of time. And for me, Alisha will always hold a special place in my heart as a reminder of how love can flourish even amidst life's challenges.

So here's to all those friendships forged during university days – those bonds that stand the test of time and distance! They might not be perfect but they sure are worth cherishing. 

I can still vividly remember when I stepped foot on campus for the first time, feeling like a fish out of water. It was an entirely new world for me, and I had to learn to navigate it quickly. The friendships I formed during that time were invaluable, and they remain a part of my life even today.

Of course, the university experience isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There were ups and downs, triumphs and challenges that shaped me into the person I am today. It was during these formative years that I discovered my passions, honed my skills, and found my footing in the world.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we delve into the highs and lows of university life in this nostalgic video series. I'm sure many of you will relate to these stories of youthful exuberance, friendship, love, heartbreak - you name it! We'll touch on all the aspects of university life that make it both exciting and challenging. And remember, every experience is a learning opportunity - whether it's success or failure. 

So there you have it, folks! A captivating tale about university days filled with loveable characters and heartwarming experiences. We hope you enjoyed this story as much as we did! Thank you so much for tuning in today. Don't forget to hit that like button if you loved it and subscribe for more engaging content like this one. Until next time, take care and happy watching!

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