Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Unnatural Instinct [v0.7] [Merizmare]


680 new images and 14 animations


546 new images and 8 animations


Warning! Starting from version 0.5, loading old saves can lead to unpredictable errors, even computer explosions (bad jokes), so, starting with version 0.5, begin a new game!

480 new images and 8 animations.

In version 0.2, when you first meet Nelly, the option to choose her gender has been added (old saves don't work correctly because of this).

All images and videos are now compressed, so the game takes up less space.

There are some minor interface improvements, with the most significant one being the ability to hide the text box (dark screen behind text) in the game settings.

Hey everyone! Welcome back to my channel. Today, we're diving into a fascinating topic: Unnatural Instincts. I recently had the privilege of attending the prestigious TED Talks conference in Vancouver, where I got to hear the insightful and thought-provoking talk by Dr. Katherine Cannon. Her groundbreaking research aims to uncover the roots of our instincts and how they influence our relationships and everyday life.

After a year of separation from your family who moved to a new house, you come to get to know your family again, but on the other side, meet new people and save the princess from the castle, oh no, this is from another game.

Now, picture this: After a year of separation from your family who moved to a new house, you come to get to know your family again. But on the other side, meet new people and save the princess from the castle, oh no! This is from another game. So, what's happening here?

Dr. Cannon suggests that these instincts are based on our evolutionary past as early humans who lived in small groups. Since then, we've evolved into larger societies with complex social structures, but our instincts remain stuck in the past. 

This can cause problems when our instincts clash with contemporary social expectations or when they don't align with our personal values or moral code. For example, some people may find themselves attracted to their siblings due to an undeveloped sibling avoidance instinct - ick!

Interestingly, some people have this inherent ability to avoid trouble in their lives. It's as if their brains are programmed to anticipate where potential conflicts might arise and steer clear of those situations before any issues occur.

Take me, for example. I've been working with my current employer for a decade now. I've had several opportunities to advance in the company, but each time I considered making a change, something would happen that would make me reconsider. Perhaps I wouldn't get the position or there was an issue with my paycheck - whatever it was, it always made me question whether staying put was a better choice.

This instinct can also extend to relationships. You might find yourself attracted to someone who seems perfect on paper, but your instincts tell you otherwise. Maybe you sense that they have a wandering eye or cheat on their partners - even if they don't have any history of it!

It's as if our brains are constantly scanning for potential hazards and steering us away from them before any problems occur. It's an interesting concept to think about the role our instincts play in shaping our experiences and relationships!

So there you have it, folks! Our instincts can be fascinating yet complex, often causing us more confusion than clarity in our relationships and everyday lives! Thank you so much for joining me in exploring this intriguing subject. If you enjoyed this video and want more content like this, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring!


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